I’m the creative & the dreamer here!
My children are my WHY and my husband is my favorite friend. Having a vision for this little family of mine has been the light of my life. Photography, film-making and memory keeping is the way that I express my visionary heart.
I am obsessed with using every gift that I’ve been given to love and serve others.Traveling, exploring the world with my little family, telling stories of faith, hope, victory and love. I live for this story.
I’m the Dad!
Basketball was my first love until I met my wife. I love my kids, chinese food & chocolate chip cookies, but I really prefer the dough. I enjoy watching movies, binge-watching Netflix & Instagram comedy… I just want to meet cool people, laugh a lot & help others make their dreams come true in any way that I can.
Hi! I’m Cameron. I like to have fun, building with LEGOS and traveling with my family.
I really like making things with cardboard. Basically, anything that has to do with art. I believe that the ideas God gives me are amazing. I like to play basketball, soccer and video games when my mom lets me. I’m a film-maker just like my mom. I like making action movies with my brother and sister and this year I got a new camera so my films are going to be EPIC!.
My dream is to be a scientist like Iron-Man & a basketball player.
Hi! My name is Kendall. I really like spending time with my family and hugs are my favorite. My mom says that I will speak many languages because I am really good at it.
I like to swim, play with water balloons, and build with LEGOS with my brother & sister.
I like math, art, science and cooking in the kitchen…
When I grow up I want to be a fisher-chef its like a fisherman and a chef.
Hey Guys, It’s Savannah!
I’m six years old. I’m excited to explore the world and travel with my family. I like spending time with my family and we are going to discover the whole world together. We love you, bye!
When I’m a grownup I want to teach at a school, be in a big girl ballet, and work in a restaurant in South America.
Also… I typed this all by myself. And, one more thing. We want to teach you how we discover and if your kids want to learn how we discover then say YESSSSSS!!!!
Bubble, bubble! Buddy Blue is our betta. He likes to swim around his fish tank and wait for Cam to feed him and watch us while we do our work, play and create.