
So, about my business! I'm restarting it again and I have more doubts swirling around in my head than ever before. Will I be able to book clients? Will I be able to rise to the occasion and still keep my three babies my main priority? Am I still good at taking good pictures? And that is just a tiny bit of all that is rolling around in my head at any given moment. It's a lot. What I do know for sure is that faith will work in my heart even when theres doubt in my head. I believe its in my heart to be an entrepreneur. Another thing I know for sure is that this time I want to do it God's way. I don't want the distractions of trying to make a business "work" to get in the way of my walk with God. My only plan is to document it all… Whatever ups, whatever downs… the whole shebang. Ahhhh this should be fun.

So, to start things off, I'm playing catch up on January goals today. One of my three New Years Resolutions was to bring back the monthly goals and I'm just a half a month behind... Lol. Anyways, here goes...

Business Goals:

-Take a break from social media until February to refresh and prepare.
-Start booking February Sessions
-Work on website
-Plan Vision Breakfast for end of January
-Draw up new logo

Personal Goals:

-Get my family on a better schedule
-Start homeschool schedule out of house
-Be available to help Christina with Christians bday party
-Plan Cameron's bday party
-Gather February fun

 Well that's all for today. Gotta go make some lunch and feed some kids :)

From Syreena, With Love

Syreena B