Well, its time for another monthly goal post and I am pretty happy with how I did with last months goals....
Business Goals:
-Take a break from social media until February to refresh and prepare. <<DONE>>
-Start booking February Sessions <<DONE>>
-Work on website <<DOING>>
-Plan Vision Breakfast for end of January <<DONE>>
Personal Goals:
-Get my family on a better schedule <<DOING, A CONSTANT PROCESS>>
-Start homeschool schedule out of house <<DONE, WILL BLOG ABOUT>>
-Be available to help Christina with Christians bday party <<DONE, SO MUCH FUN>>
-Plan Cameron's bday party <<WORK IN PROGRESS>>
-Gather February fun <<DONE/DOING>>
Now on to this months goals...
Business Goals
-website shoot for photo biz launch
-first home video
-website launch on the 14th
-set-up February specials
Personal Goals
-plan my Bigs fifth birthday party
-create a system for clothes, snacks and cleaning for the kids to follow
-create a schedule for the kids
-create a behavior chart for the kids
-valentines/love crafts at least once a week
-bring back the smoothies
I probably packed my goals on a bit thick this month but ah well. I have found that with each additional baby I had it became harder and harder for me to feel accomplished. It has been such a struggle but I am determined to push forward. You can do it girl <----- from me to me (and from me to you, if you need it lol).
From Syreena, With Love