the end of summer is here and its kinda sad and kinda good all at the same time. this weekend was labor day weekend and we spent it having a little "last bit of summer" fun. we grabbed our bathing suits and our waterproof cameras and headed to a friends to hang out by the pool. 

i actually snapped a couple of pictures, which has been ridiculously hard lately. the babies are always moving in different directions and are slightly less likely to cooperate with my mamarazzi shenanigans. 

we also headed up north, on saturday, to spend time with more of brians side of the family. the babies had a blast getting to hang out with more cousins that they didn't remember they had. they got a kick out of just how many cousins they could possibly have. it was super cute.

its become a normal thing for brian to pick up a game or two in chess with his dad lately. it has been a lot of fun seeing him challenge himself to get better. i just love him. 

it was a really good weekend. but, more than anything, i am really looking forward to the season ahead. fall is one of my favorites and i have been brimming with such excitement for what lies ahead. excited about blogging more of our lives lately and dusting the cobwebs off of my writing skills, along with other passions of mine (like photos and videos). 


from syreena, with love

family, travelSyreena BComment