it is a shame i am just getting around to posting these pics from thanksgiving. my babies had so much fun spending time with their cousins and love to see that so very much. i have been so consistent with my posts on my vlogging channel and even our homeschool channel, but i haven't done the best job keeping up here :( .


thanksgiving weekend was so much fun. my babies got a chance to hang  out with their cousins and there is nothing like being with your family. we headed off to jumpology on our last day together for a fun filled early celebration of their cousins 4th birthday. 

^^^ this kid is so very special to me ^^^

i got to hang with my mommy, my bestie and my niecey-pooh (i just missed her birth by an hour) ...

afterwards, we headed to get pizza with all the kiddies. kendall bear got the chicken fingers and fries and had a blast listening to all his cousin's chatter.

I'm pretty sure we should just go ahead and call this day "national cousin day out" from now on. smells like a tradition to me. :)

from syreena, with love