it is 8:00am on a friday morning and i just spent a super long time (over the last few days) sorting through pictures and video and i have so much to share. i really do have to do better at disciplining myself to share consistently because i love it so much. its funny how we find healing in the strangest of ways sometimes. there is a quote that i love, that pretty much sums up my need to create through photos/videos/writing etc....

" I am convinced that God has built into all of us an appreciation of beauty and has even allowed us to participate in the creation of beautiful things and places. It may be one way God brings healing to our brokenness, and a way that we can contribute toward bringing wholeness to our fallen world."

 ~ Mary Jane Worden

so heres, yet another memo to me to write more,to share more..... so heres to a quick story about a few sundays ago...

the boys went to a birthday party after church and we ladies, spent the afternoon enjoying some girl time together. its funny, because i think there was a bit of separation anxiety for my little lady baby. she absolutely loves being with her daddy and her brothers. i have to admit that she spent the first hour or so constantly asking, "where are brothers?, wheres daddy?" it was so very cute and so irritating all at the same time. but then i realized that it was my own fault. we are so used to doing everything all together that when we get a little girl time alone... we barely knew what to do with ourselves. LOL

we stopped by to pick up a few doughnuts (to sweeten to deal) and we headed home to find a few things to enjoy together. 

we had a dance party, played hide and seek, blew a few bubbles in the back yard and picked some fresh rosemary from our "sweet pea garden" to make rosemary lemon chicken for dinner. 

what i took away from our precious moments that sunday is that i want to do a better job spending one-on-one time with my lady. actually, i want to do a better job spending one-on-one time with all of my loves. 

anywho.... off to make breakfast and a few friday plans with all three of my munchkins today. 

from syreena, with love