just after breakfast and before i could start our good morning song (that lets the kids know that school is starting), she had parked herself in her brothers chair and grabbed the human body model that she had been so anxious to get her hands on. i had been eyeing the ANATOMY MODELS BUNDLE SET by LEARNING RESOURCES for a while now and they finally dropped to a price that i was willing to pay ($41.96 at the time). i came across a blog post on studying the human body and fell in love with the HUMAN BODY MODEL that they used in their homeschool. however, i did NOT fall in love with its price. ($103.00) :(
the short of things is that the models are pretty small and not as durable as you would like them to be. it makes for a difficult time manipulating the parts and certainly difficult to keep up with all of the pieces ensuring that none get lost. my kids are pretty good with handling toys and things that require a bit more focus and that might cause a moment or two of frustration making this set a worthwhile purchase despite its flaws.

each model comes with a small booklet that list all of the parts included in the model and the parts function. i used the booklet to create cards for matching each part to its name and also its function. i did, however, forget to include a corresponding numerical indicator to print on the back of each card that will help the child check their answers independently. as soon as i add those pages to the file i will link the file to this post in case you are interested.
she, actually, did a great job and exercised an incredible amount of patience as she fit all of the pieces back together. her big brother never too far behind to help when things get a bit too tricky :)
overall, for the price that i paid, these models have been a nice addition to our body unit thus far. i would love to add a few of their other models to our collection in time. i am not quite sure why they're isn't an option in between these smaller versions and the bigger one listed above but it is always my moto to make the best out of our most reasonable resources. excited to see which body systems spark the interest of each of my babies and excited for all they will explore.
from syreena, with love