{LIFE & LOVE THROUGH THE 4X5, 09.24.17...}


you know all those things that remind you that you are doing just fine?? i am certain that i need to think on those things more often. 

fall is here and everything has happened so fast. the summer FLEW by, the school year is in full effect, and we've kept all of the memories going no matter how tired or uncertain we've felt about the direction of our lives. 

this last month the kids made so much progress with their swimming lessons and are basically fish now! we've been to a few weddings and a TON of soccer games. the kids have been in "training" for TheFallCoKids, filling orders and sprinkling packages with love. and, my baby brother and his beautiful girlfriend made me an auntie for the first time with another niece/nephew on the way in just a couple more months.



so, no matter how i feel about how much further on the "path" i should be by now, Lord, help me to navigate my disappointments and setbacks so that i may stay the course and not give up!

just a little end of september life & love through the 4x5...

from syreena, with love