making healthy choices // living well 2021...
“it’s up to you, today to start making healthy choices. not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.”
i’ve had the most difficult time managing my time lately. my ability to focus on one thing at a time has become increasingly difficult and while my creativity has been at an all time high, it seems that it has also been accompanied by confusion and dismay. (not to be confused with ‘confusion and delay’ which is a throwback from our days when the boys were obsessed with Thomas & Friends, lol) i’ve struggled to get through a lot of my tasks, work and obligations. ironically enough, “about time” has been the title/topic of the last several podcasts that i’ve recorded for our fallocofamily patreon friends club. no matter the subject up for discussion, whether memory-keeping, raising readers or cultivating grateful hearts at home… i’ve spent much of my days sharing success we’ve experienced in making “time” for what matters most. while, addressing the issue of “time” has been the starting point for so much of what has been on my heart and mind, it’s been that same matter of “time” that i’ve found conflicting. conflicting, as i’ve had the most difficult time managing my own!
I've been torn by our times… there’s a constant pull to “achieve” and define what “pressing on” should look like admits a year of …… i don’t even know what I should call it, but whatever you feel appropriate insert that description here *** that ‘pull’ has caused me to overlook the very thing that sustains me (time feeding/fueling my heart, spirit, body and mind). i’m learning that it isn’t just about making time or simply managing it for that matter but, more specifically, prioritizing properly. learning how to put things in their proper place!!!
so, can we talk about health and fitness for a moment. can we talk about health as a resource for everyday life and not just an objective or goal to be achieved?!? let’s talk about health as an emotional and physical resource!! gosh, i have never really thought of it quite this way. this year i want to document this “conversation”, document our journey putting ‘health’ at the top of our list of priorities. document our journey to see it as a resource and culmination of daily choices, not just for our bodies but also for our minds.
while we often tend to focus on an ‘early morning routine’, something tells me that getting better sleep should be the goal: a healthy night routine is the first healthy choice i’d like to tackle as a family!!! i don’t have this figured out. i don’t have ‘3 tips to get better sleep’ or ‘5 ways to build a better family night routine’ but i will start with #1) a goal and #2) a plan.
#1) a family meeting about our ideal nighttime routine
#2) a little family challenge to make it “extra” and tackle our goal together.
i drew up a quick printable to track our family challenges along the way. nothing fancy, just a way to make space for “one step-at-a-time”. i’d love to know your thoughts?!? where do you stand on making healthy choices? have you found it as overwhelming as i have as of late? do you have a solid night routine? if so, any tips? i’ll be circling back around to check in and share how our family nighttime routine pans out in our next health + living well post here on the blog…
writing with all the love, bc i'm here for the journey,