last year's lesson // more than homeschool...
““therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. and let us run with endurance the race GOD has set before us.’“ ”
i looked up ENDURANCE today…
i scrolled pass another incredibly polished photo of a mom looking like life is grand, 2020 wasn’t a whole train wreck and we aren’t still dealing with its aftershocks. i scrolled pass at least 10-15 bite sized nuggets of information telling my brain how to cope, what scripture to read, 5 ways to feel… and more, all while feeling like i’ve been hit by a semi truck on an everyday basis!!! my spirit is strong, my faith is in tact and AT THE SAME TIME this past year has been a constant fight to walk in love, keep my peace and consider it all jOY! so, i’m just over here, steading my pace and running my race. a race that i’ve been running by faith and w/ love.
this journey for me, as i’ve said many times before and will continue to say again and again, is about so much more than homeschool. it’s about living a life that i don’t have to recover from, living a life that my kids don’t have to recover from. walking out this motherhood journey right! living our days lead by a pure heart. it’s about making our mark on eternity choosing not to be easily tripped up and weighed down by the things that matter to this world.
but, it’s hard…
so, I looked up ENDURANCE today…
1: the ability to withstand hardship or adversity especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort .
2 : the act or an instance of enduring or suffering endurance of many hardships.
honestly, i’ve been feeling like ‘I HATE IT HERE!!’. everything that has been so bold and bright on the vision board of my heart seems pale and faded… muted and grey, and i wish it wasn’t. holding tight to ‘what matters most’ has seemed to push me further and further away from worldly successes and superficial happiness. and, what is left?!?
we produced 60 videos last year… 60 videos that tell the story of how we made our way through 2020. we produced 60 videos that tell the story of starting to strip off the weight that holds us back. we produced 60 videos that tell a tale of pressing through, moving forward and attempting to endure by faith and with love. and, now here is the story of 2020 and how we made it through.
-our day out in philly // when we started the live & learn tour 2020
-goal setting & vision planning
-organizing our unschool // language arts
-organizing our unschool // history
-organizing our unschool // science & geography
-organizing our unschool // math
-starting over & handling dissapointment
-interview with a fifth grader
-day in our purpose driven unschool
-into the unknown // an unschool adventure
-day in the life // read with us & raising a math wiz
-obstacles we’ve faced in homeschool life
-day in the life // sharing a struggling and wishing i knew better
-compositing in the garden // in our homeschool day
-unschool adventure vlog // exploring the history of flight and setting up our vertical garden
-sharing our curly hair routine
-day in the of life of a homeschool mom
-end of the homeschool year & how we feel about homeschooling through highschool
-a quarantine birthday virtual bakery bash
-day in the life // why we unschool
-our new channel trailer // welcome to our channel
-filming day // day in the life
-reading 7 books in 7 days // reading challenge
-just home, no more school // day in the life of a homeschool mom
-how I edit for youtube & memory keeping
-making a good effort // a reading vlog
-getting stuff done & feeling out of my league // day in the life of a homeschool mom
-being honest & quarantine life // you have a choice
-the habit that changed my life…
-live show // developing the habits that will change your life
-homeschool room set-up // decluttering, organizing, our chalk wall and more...
-homeschool room set-up // storage & organization
-homeschool room set-up // room tour 2020
-how we build our curriculum from start to finish
-our 400 books as curriculum challenge
-day in the life // screen-time & digital curriculum
-what I do when I feel like quitting // day in the life
-unschool update // how its really going 6 months in
-planner mom turned unschool // lets chat
-planning for unschool & sacrifices we make to homeschool
-4 ways to be more flexible in homeschool & life
-trying something new /// our think week
-thoughts of connecting the dots in our homeschool days
-making homeschool room changes
-fall favorite things // traditions, a book stack & more
-plan & homeschool w/ us -day in the life coding, creating & more
-plan & homeschool w/ us -making math magical
-plan & homeschool w/ us- tell us where you’re from & talk celebrations around the world
this year, we are even more committed to our journey becoming a family of filmmakers. wrestling with the idea that we are here to share about so much more than homeschool, I struggle to figure out how everything ‘fits’. and, I felt this laid on my heart so clearly. the idea that we could be here to educate and inspire a life in pursuit of a true education. this year we are focusing even more on the story HE has to tell through our lives. choosing a life of sacrifice and surrender so that there will be less of me and more of HIM to shine light wherever HE sees fit. this year we are pressing on with our studies learning to be better storytellers, proper docuFILMMAKERS in pursuit of a true education. heres to creating more than homeschool, more of the story, more of what matters most.
with all the love,