{a letter to me at any stage in the journey & why I'm still here // keep going girl…}
“You don’t have to be brave, you just have to keep trying. You don’t have to be strong, you just have to keep going. Maybe your superpower is refusing to give up even on your weakest days when you feel you’re not enough.”
time feels like a vapor. a real one. one that leaves as quickly as it came. so many milestones. so many moments that come and go before you have the chance to soak them in and consider them JOY. every moment, every milestone, every minute… of every day. that’s where my heart is. that’s where my heart has always been. to make choices and decisions that fight against the distraction of the days. distraction that mounts and builds and becomes a sea of mountains set before you. to fight for the pure and precious moments in the day. a dance. a sweet one. a passionate dance. the vapor. ~me
I like being in the background. I like the quiet of being off the grid. and, i’m clearly not a poet but I love using words to express thoughts and feelings that are often hard to pinpoint in the ebbs and flows of the everyday so why not use this space to get them out more.
i guess there is something I feel like I am meant to say. something i feel I am meant to stick around for. perhaps the reason why I just cant seem to shake being in social spaces despite my nature to back away from everything that is forward facing. an effort to find that sweet spot that seems to elude me time and time again , I am still here…
I am still here because I truly love the journey. here because I feel incredibly blessed for the privilege of being able to live and learn together with my children. no parts of this journey has been perfect. nor would that be my desire. I love the grit in the lessons. I am grateful for the grace that shows up in my life daily. I just pray I can find that sweet spot that allows me to think & feel, create & share whatever the Lord would have me to share concerning the truth of this path that HE has set before me.
I started a blog, then I stopped writing. I built up a channel, and then I backed away a bit. I opened a shop, then I closed it. I created a community, then I put it on hold. trying to continually define success for myself and my family. to explore and discover the authentic way in which I am meant to show up.
so here I am. still with a blog, a channel, a shop, a community (that’s YOU), and now a production company as a result of our homeschool and life… run by our little family of filmmakers telling stories of how we live & we learn. all of these parts, while currently dormant, still make up the bits & pieces of what the Lord is doing in our lives. at the right time, and in the right ways.
that’s why i’m still here.
to whomever is reading… thank you for being here! thank you for being here, spending your time checking on our journey, our forever Internet friends.
this is a letter to you + me at any stage of our journey’s:
keep going friend…
with all the love,