“it takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.”
can i tell you about that one time we went to JAMAICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 …
i really can’t tell you how much of a perfect choice our destination was at this very moment in our lives. the constant reminders all around from a culture who believes whole heartedly in “don’t worry”, “take your time”, “no rush”. frieeeeennnnnnnddddddddd, say no more…
let me try and tell the story of our very first time in Montego Bay, Jamaica mon!!!
oh you know, just the life and times of ya girl in front of a mango tree.
disclamer // so first let me preface this by stating that i am not really a resort girl. i don’t crave polished pieces of land set aside and reserved for those who can afford the price of admission. i don’t desire curated entertainment stripped of authentic culture and storytelling. my heart belongs to the locals, i live for connecting with people (in a very introverted kind of way, lol). but for this girl with an adventurers soul i’ve traveled far less than i’d like to admit. and, especially during these current times, resorts give us the perfect way to start.
we flew in from philadelphia to montego bay, jamaica on american airlines. i share more about our travel requirements, our flight, our room tour, food and accommodations in my instagram stories saved in our highlights titled JAMAICA 🇯🇲 . but, it’s clear to see that the secrets resort wild orchid is breathtaking.
also note // visit jamaica’s website is extremely helpful in directing you to information regarding up-to-date travel authorization and requirements, things to do and more.
honestly, the moments we cherished most were the times we spent looking out past the ripples of the water into the horizon. thinking about how long its been since we got away together. away to reconnect, recharge, laugh, play and learn in the company of the one with whom this family of ours even began.
“be careful not to rush god’s timing... you never know who or what he’s protecting you or saving you from.”
i’ve been given pretty big dreams for our family and the mark that we were meant to make on the world of education. its often tempting to choose hustle, to attempt to press toward the vision in our own strength and without the grace that is required to see any of this through. this trip immediately reminded my troubled heart to cast every little bit of those cares over to him because he cares. period.
from the drone, to my new sony and learning to use my self timer on phone via my apple watch remote…. my filmmakers heart got in all types of practice with my camera gear and was loving is so much. of course it helped having brian offer to carry it all around while I shot and played. the first time taking my new wandrd bag out of the country and it’s a guarantee that it won’t be the last.
“identify your priorities so that you don’t spend your time chasing after someone else’s dream.”
I keep trying to remind myself of this very thing when I become overwhelmed with the how and the when, remembering that “life’s work” often takes a lifetime. to create environments, experiences, and adventures that cultivate, encourage and support a life of living and learning in its purest form… yes that is our ultimate dream!
it’s been amazing to travel miles away from home and still be able to work remotely on a space that we’ve been building by faith and with love @thefallcofamily friends club. it’s been nice to chat things out, here and there, with our friends club family as they walk this journey out with us. so many of you have been here from the very beginning spreading around all your love and support and we love y’all so very much.

the ride on the way to the martha brae river was an experience for me. being able to feel the ups and downs of the bumps in the road, listening to the sounds of the streets where jamaican people call home. surrounded by other tourist who were simply ready to arrive a the next location to be entertained while i soaked up every word from our driver telling us a story he’s clearly told many times before. sharing about the history of jamaica, its people, its struggles, its victories, its challenges and so much more. a story summarized in a very small amount of time. i took notes… like actual voice-to-text notes so that I could soak it all up/in.
some information i had already known but was given new life when told with a strong jamaican accent. i was reintroduced to jamaica’s
-14 parishes // hanover, saint elizabeth, saint james, trelawny, westmoreland, clarendon, manchester, saint anne, saint catherine, saint mary, kingston, portland, saint andrew, saint thomas.
-national fruit // ackee
-national bird // swallow-tail hummingbird
-language/dialect // jamaican patois
-motto // ‘out of many one people”
and more…
about a 30-45 minute ride from our resort into the chukka active center, we stopped to take a few pictures, purchase a few souvenirs to bring home to the kids and tried our best to stay cool and patient as we waited for our transportation to the river tour.
we arrived at the martha brae river. after waiting in a short line, you are paired with a guide to accompany you through the tour down the river. the perfect chance to listen to a local share a few facts about jamaican land, culture, food etc. y’all know I soaked up every word and seized every opportunity to ask questions and express gratitude for his patience with all of my MANY questions, lol.
“I’ve learned to stop rushing things that need time to grow.”
morning walks in jamaica are perfection…

we spent so much of our time in the water but thursday was , hands down, our favorite day. the resort offered activities out on the beach that we wish we had caught on a bit sooner as this would have been an everyday occasion. our goal was to parasail and yet the boat was currently unavailable (next time, for sure). instead, we chose to snorkel, sail in a catamaran and kayak, just us two.
have you ever tried something for the very first time and felt like you’ve been doing it for years? this was me!!!
snorkeling is slow and steady, my kind of joy! I could have been out here all day.
after snorkeling, we went sailing and it honestly was unreal how rich the blue waters were. to not only hear the crashing of the waves but be right in the midst of them was everything! and after our day full of fun in the water it was safe to say that we were both in somebody cloud 9.

i can’t help but consider the vision of such a place. the experience that was created here on this tiny corner of montego bay, jamaica that was intended to encapsulate your heart and mind into a world of rest and play. i couldn’t help but dream even bigger dreams of a similar model in education.
“ Dreams are free. Goals have a cost. While you can daydream for free, goals don’t come without a price. Time, effort, sacrifice, and sweat. How will you pay for your goals?”
i left here HAPPY… but also with a strong sense and a knowing that there is much work that lies ahead. understanding that it is almost impossible for me to deny the dreams in our heart for our family and the changes we’d like to see in how #weliveandwelearn🌱. so we are saying yes to rest, play and dreaming bigger dreams for the world of education.
the three things i took away from our time in Montego Bay //
1) don’t rush
2) don’t worry
3) everything is gonna be alright
there are so many things we cant wait to go back and experience. from exploring the green grotto, experiencing the rastafari indigenous village visiting the blue hole, the luminous lagoon, the bob marley museum, dunns river falls… and there’s more, lol. we cant wait to head back to jamaica. we can’t wait to see what lies ahead. we can’t wait for the dreams in our heart to unfold before our eyes and all of the rest, play, heart work, faith, love and dedication that will make up the journey along the way.
with all the love,