“quit waiting for a plan; just go love everybody.”
meet the team //
… well at least a few of our crew and pretty much the ones that matters most. it’s always been them. they are my grounding force. the blessings that serve as constant reminders to seek first the kingdom and keep my eyes fixed on HIM! the ones who remind me that i’ve always been here for the lessons there are to learn.
believing in what we cannot see and being love along the way, the plan is to build a life and business built on by faith + love.
i’m excited.
for the last several months i’ve been walking through our vision w/ someone very special to us. my daddy/ their granddad. he’s been an entrepreneur/businessman and genius for as long as I can remember. and, while this may come as a surprise to many of you who have followed my journey for a while… i am not!!! what i’ve learned is that I am first and foremost, a visionary and creative mind. not a business woman/entrepreneur. i have a heart for “the dream” and not so much for the numbers that make a business sustainable and powered for growth.
and, this is where the challenge lies and the team is built, LOL
we’ve been walking through our vision w/ our new business strategist/consultant, my daddy. he’s been patient in listening and taking the time to filter through the messy web that is our family vision/goals. it’s been life GIVING!!!! one of the best parts being the fact that he has done nothing but reminded me of “the why” in how this all started and “the who” of whom this whole journey should involve.
we’ve been able to draw up a vision/business strategy and plan that includes a full team lead by some of my favs. he reminded me of how important the kids are to our vision which is how i’ve always envisioned it from the very beginning. sooooo….
MEET CAMERON // photographer/ writer/ editor + designer
MEET KENDALL // director of finance / content manager / coder + developer
MEET SAVANNAH // social media/marketing manager + event planner
it’s so easy to overlook the fact that our children are such a blessing to our lives. so easy to overlook the value and brilliant gifts that they bring. over the next few weeks I will begin to document how our days unfold as we move as a unit and creative team. excited for all the lessons we’ll learn along the way because…
life is full of lessons + our goal is to live & to learn
p.s. you ever think of your family as a team? have you taken the time to outline everyones strengths and weaknesses? gifts and abilities? it’s a game changer in our homeschool and lives.
with all the love,