sentence/dictation work // a printable update...

finally finding enough time to start updating printables as i've been working on our friends club space these last few months. if you aren't quite sure what I'm referring to, i've been doing a lot of back end website work at in order to create a separate blog space for all of our patreon content to be cataloged.

i am hoping this will make for an even more pleasant experience as we move into sharing more and more content in our friends club space.

anywhoooo.... this first printable update in a simple little addition to our vocabulary/spelling work adding a dictation page which has been great for us as we are studying passages in our read-aloud and any other literature passages and/ or scripture verses etc. ill be starting to separate as many of the printables as possible to make sure you aren't overlooking some of the printable pages previously nestled into other downloads as well.

i've included an example using this page in our stack. simple and sweet addition to our studies and gives us something tangible to hold onto for records sake ;)…

check out the full friends club posts for members here

with all the love,


printablesSyreena BComment