sharing my raw/honest feelings about this new year ahead. heading into our first week of “something new” again in our homeschool life and there’s a bundle of nerves and excitement that i’ve come to know so well.
i’ve grown accustomed to making choices that feel risky, scary, unorthodox and flat out strange on our journey and i’ve come to learn that those feelings accompany my hopes and not my fears.
i’ve learned that the choices that feel responsible, safe and secure are often wrapped arounds my fears rather than my faith for the future ahead.
making good choices is such a big deal. from choosing what boundaries to set in my life, the room I allow social media to take up in my life, the voices + resources i accept as true in our lives... there are so many choices to make and I want mine to be pure and right.
the biggest thing i've learned has been that separating how i "feel" from what is "real" is the first step to making choices based on hope and not fear.
with all the love,