{Easter Sunday 2021 // #FOREVERGRATEFUL ✨🌸...}
it’s hard to put into words the reminder that easter/ressurection brings. a reminder to remain grateful, to remain securely focused on the work that lies ahead. a reminder of the hope that we have in HIM and who he is in our lives. yes, there are cute bunnies and baskets w/ plenty of sparkly plastic eggs to fill w/ money, candy and more. but, the peace that HE’s left w/ us will forever be the prize.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
there’s a bin marked “easter” with goodies that I pull from every year. it has made the hustle of the holiday non-existent and made room for focusing on the heart of matter. i made a bunny pancake bar and kendall made the scrambled eggs. we popped a marshmallow on our pancakes when we ran out of whipped cream and I filled their eggs with resurrection remembrance scriptures for them to read/meditate on throughout the remained of the day.
i feel so proud of the progress i’ve made as a mom. resisting our current cultures ways has been the fight of a lifetime. moving forward in faith and refusing the hustle of things that matter the absolute least in this life…. for its the heart that matters the most #thegoal #thatisthework.
my babies are getting so big and my heart is bursting with gratitude for the grace that they operate in.
after breakfast we headed to nana and pop-pops to spend our resurrection sunday cuddled up on their sofa eating, laughing and enjoying each other… w/ no room to take these moments for granted and looking forward to the days ahead. my girl is already well into a birthday countdown, dessert menu and all, LOL.
dropping in a few more photos because ya girl is proud of how we’ve been making our somewhat weekly family photo a thing!
just feeling incredibly grateful and i want these moments of gratitude to linger and last forevermore.
with all the love,