“literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life”
i have loved getting lost in the stories people take the time to tell so well. we just finished stacking up our favorite reads from march heading into april because book shoots are my favorite!! piling our stacks high and recounting each story, recommending one to another, moving from one room to the next to get a final video clip and a few pictures to helps us remember that one time when we read that story about _____________ and his/her/their journey to ______________.
one thing that i’ve been learning above all, from diving back into middle grade fiction, is how to continue to see life through their eyes. to consider how the moments of our days, the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows may look and feel for them. i learn so much from exploring what “childlike’ really means in our life.
it’s become more and more necessary for us to find ways to escape the realities of life, not to pretend that those realities don’t exist, but rather to protect our ability to dream for better days ahead. reading has brought peace in our lives. books have brought us so much joy.
a few of our march reads
at some point we shall find the words to walk through our thoughts and feelings on some of our books but for now we are determined not to break our rhythm of reading! we’d love it if you’d run away w/ us and read. our 7-day family reading challenge is alive and well and we’ll be popping in on our instagram @thefallcofamily to share along the way.
with all the love,