It’s amazing what you can accomplish from a state of rest.

we were packing up to head out for a week away with family by the lake. I bought each and everyone of my planners. I packed my iPad with all the bookmarked webpages listing potential curriculum for the coming year of study. my main focus was planning all the thing while they were busy/occupied. I figured I’d spend late nights mapping out plans for the next year. something like an unschool planning retreat/getaway. heavy on the planning.

I opted OUT instead.

I did nothing of the sort, friends!

Instead of pulling out my planners I spent my time in the present. Capturing more memories so they’re less likely to fade away. I soaked in their smiles and considered their most current expressions of interest, their latest curiosities and most frequent questions. I laughed with them, swam with them, played with them. And, after their day was over, their hearts were full, the sun had set and everyone had fallen asleep, I wrote.

I wrote in order to recall all that I was learning of them and ideas and imaginations of how their journey’s might continue…

day one- Kendall’s eyes lit up as he learned new chords and songs on the guitar from his Tia.

day two- Savannah brought out the best words playing big boggle with the fam.

day three- Cameron consistently flexed his math skills while hanging by the pool with his bro.

My observation game was at an all time high. my unschool planning retreat in all its glory.

the weather at the lake wasn’t the “best’. most of the week there was a slight chill on the day and the first few days were a tad cloudy and called for rain. ☔️ because my lady girl brings all the joy and adventure, we were the only two jumping in the pool rain and shine. a carpe diem memory for the books!!!

of course everything is better with your aunt, uncle and cousins.

while the kids swam, tio fished and we were on high alert so that we could be there when he reeled them in.

feels like most of the photos I took over the week were candid. these were some of the only ‘posed’ pictures I managed to get, ah well.

I loved watching the kids so comfortable in the water. they are becoming strong and stronger swimmers.

oldest cousin and the youngest (until baby gets here… spoiler alert, she’s here)…

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Research Notes
Big Book of Questions
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Big Book of Questions
Unit Study Planner
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Unit Study Planner

usually tia is up for tiny adventures with me.but, considering her very pregnant condition, the boys went out on the water alone. maybe next year.

I couldn’t wait to get home and map out all that I learned! From the days of journaling, I complied a list that would make it easy to choose how we’d like to move forward in selected curriculum, building curriculum of our own and setting up schedules and goals for the coming year.

with all the love,
